
Monday, October 05, 2015

Radio Interview

This is a link to a radio interview I did on Friday morning (live and on the air!) with some lovely folks from Radio-Canada (the French equivalent of CBC) in Toronto.

Advance to the 8:15 mark or thereabouts.

And I hope you speak French!!

We're so thrilled about IVF being covered in Ontario! Ah... if only I were a couple of years younger, we'd go for #2!!

Y a pas deux matins pareils

1 comment:

loribeth said...

I wish my French was better! But I'm so glad you got the chance to speak out about this; I am sure you were fabulous! ;)

The new program isn't perfect -- but it's something, and it's better than what we had! Like you, it's not something I will ever benefit from, but I am glad it is now available to help other couples.